A beginner's guide to email marketing the smart way

Email marketing basics

Email is more than open rates. Of course, open rates are important, but a complete email marketing system is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools you can use.

With over 3.5 billion users, email is the king of marketing communications. Email is a direct line to your customers, those people who have gone out of their way to becoming subscribers. But most online store owners have either bad email marketing systems or none at all.

Targeted emails, sent to your email list at the right time supercharge your brand awareness, help to engage new subscribers and speak directly with both your leads and your customers.

Email is a powerful & profitable way to drive repeat sales.

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Put simply, email works

For example, our email marketing system ‘Automated Email Profits’ consistently adds an average 30% sales increase when implemented. Our clients enjoy an average of 30% extra revenue simply by running the AEP system.

One of the biggest benefits of using email is that you do not have to pay every time you send a message. Your email system does not rely on ad spend because you own your email subscribers list. You own this data, so you are in control.

Your email subscribers list is not owned by social media giants or external agencies.

Your email subscribers list is yours, you have permission to send to these contacts, you own the data.

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Email marketing increases customer loyalty

Because a timed email, triggered by a particular user behaviour speaks directly to the right person at the right time. This is the key to good email deliverability rates.

Email deliverability = email relevance. A successful email marketing system has good deliverability because it knows when to send relevant emails.

That’s why email marketing is proven to be successful in increases customer loyalty. Rather than simply spam everyone on your email list with the same message, email marketing only delivers relevant content.

There are infinite benefits to using an automated email strategy including being able to target customer segmentation & customise content by time of day or day of the week without any effort at all.

But with so much email marketing software on offer, it can be confusing to know where to begin.

That's why we have done the research, made the rookie mistakes & developed the premier strategy for you.

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But email marketing can be confusing

If you're a business owner or eCommerce entrepreneur, you know how big the struggle is to keep your customers coming back for more. After all, much of what we do as marketers boils down to building a list and then convincing those leads into becoming loyal customers who come back for more. Your email list is a perfect representation of this.

The problem, however, is that most small business owners and entrepreneurs don't have the time to sit down and learn how to run their email marketing system successfully. Their email marketing efforts can often be misled.

Often their answer is to simply spam their entire email list with constant email campaigns trying to hard sell. They send one email campaign after another, then wonder why their email metrics look so bad. It’s not rocket science - their subscribers are fed up & have no interest in this spam.

That’s why we have developed the perfect email marketing system.

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The big email marketing mistake

That's why most rely on things like paid advertising or affiliates in order to just keep up with demand. Of course, both of these models can be extremely expensive and can take up way too much of your time. 

Finding the right email service provider from a long list of email service providers, writing successful email marketing campaigns, choosing the perfect subject line, all before even sending your first email marketing campaign can all be overwhelming.

Then you need to be able to measure and interpret the results of your email campaigns. You need to know if you sent an effective campaign, or did you just send spam.

You don’t have time for mistakes, get it right the first time.

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Email marketing terminology

Email marketing campaigns

Some eCommerce store owners think that campaigns are the key to successful email marketing, but while important, an email marketing campaign is just one component.

An email campaign with a perfect subject line and a clear call to action is useless if the content isn't relevant to the audience you send to. What’s worse, your subscribers are left wondering why they subscribed to your list in the first place.

Email marketing campaigns are one component in a complete email system. Every marketing campaign is important, but campaigns are not the be-all and end-all of your system.

Your email marketing software must send the right message to the right person at the right time. While the right time for a campaign email is during the marketing campaign, you have a much larger opportunity with email marketing automations.

The key to a complete email system is automation.

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Email Marketing Automations

While an email marketing campaign announces a promotion or an event, an email automation is triggered by user behaviour.

That is the key difference - you send a marketing campaign, they trigger an automation. An email marketing campaign is pushed out, an email automation is pulled in.

Automations are a series of emails that are automatically sent to a segment of people on your email list triggered by a given event. For example, a user joining an account, or certain browsing behaviour. A user joining an email newsletter is another example of an automation trigger. (email newsletter incentives are great for email list building).

Email automations are arguably one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. They help you increase engagement for your email lists and generate more sales.

Automations are the backbone of the successful Automated Email Profits email marketing system.

The content of email automations is created in advance and positioned to send at the appropriate time based on your program.

The right message to the right person at the right time.

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The answer is automated email marketing systems

Automated emails are just the beginning. Your complete answer is a complete automated email marketing system built with the right software that sends campaigns and automations triggered by user behaviour.

This type of automated email marketing system learns and adapts in real-time, making sure that every email it sends is relevant to the person receiving it.

An automated email marketing system generates your income automatically.

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Email Marketing Tips

  • Send smarter not harder

Your email marketing strategy is important. smarter sending rather than simply blasting your entire email list is important. Your email marketing automations drive sales if they are relevant, if they are just sent out to everybody then they just distract. For example, Welcome emails to new customers trigger email sequences and trigger email series.

Your email marketing strategy must be to keep your customers engaged and build relationships.

  • Email conversion rates

The average conversion rate of an email is very high compared to other methods of advertising online. The main reason behind this is because you control the timing & trigger of the email, ensuring that the message is relevant when it is delivered.

Plus the customer knows they are getting the information directly from you.

  • Send to targeted audiences

Another reason why email works so well is that it allows marketers to target specific audiences based on the information they have collected.

Your list of subscribers can be segmented based on engagement and interest metrics, further dialing in your relevancy.

  • Email encourages engagement

If you compare email campaigns with other types of advertising, such as banners or pop-ups, email stands out because they provoke a much higher response rate from your audience.

It's easy for customers to quickly provide a reply or click through directly from the email.

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Email marketing saves you time & money

The process of actually running an automated email system campaign is not difficult, you just need to know where to begin.

You know that email is proven to grow your business & add an average of 30% in revenue, but you don't have the time or money to do it right.

You need to know how to drive traffic and increase sales with automated emails.

Most of us are too busy running our businesses and can't afford the time or money for professional-grade email marketing software like Infusionsoft (which starts at $500/month). And even if you could, do you want to be hands-on with your email platform every single day?

You need to know the exact steps needed to start driving more revenue from your existing traffic by adding a series of automated emails that drive customers through your sales funnel.

That's why we have written this easy guide. You will soon be able to drive traffic as well as boost sales through the integration of a fully automated email system that plugs straight into your eCommerce store.

In no time you will be reaching new customers, sending behaviour-based campaigns, and increasing engagement.


Building your email marketing systems - the old way

  • Spending time selecting a suitable email service

  • Spending time writing effective email marketing campaigns

  • Writing subject line after subject line.

  • Testing which emails work.

  • learning all the ins and out of email marketing software

Building your email marketing systems - the smart way

Email marketing isn't hard to do right, you just need a blueprint.

Do you have time to spend learning email marketing from scratch? If you're like most e-commerce entrepreneurs, then the answer is probably no. You've been working hard on your business for months or even years, but it just doesn't seem to be paying off.

That's because there are a lot of things that can go wrong in an online store - from not having enough traffic to poor conversions and low average order values. And if one thing goes wrong, it can affect everything else down the line.

But what if there was a way to increase performance in every area of your business? What if you could add 30% revenue without spending any ad dollars?

Now you can.

Now you can increase performance in every area of your business by adding a series of automated emails that drive customers through your sales funnel.

The old way of testing out new email marketing platforms & learning as you go is not efficient.

You don't have time to make all the rookie mistakes, you just need a system that has been tested, delivers results & is easy to use.

You need the Automated Email Profits system.


The Automated Email Profits Email Marketing System

Automated Email Profits works like your email autopilot. All you have to do is set the system up and create a message to send to your potential customers. The AEP system will handle the rest, delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

The Automated Email Profits System is a fully automated email marketing system that sends emails based on specific events.

The Automated Email Profits email system delivers the right message to the right person at the right time. The AEP system is designed to convert your leads into first-time customers. Then convert existing customers into loyal ones.

Automated Email Profits works in the background generating your sales automatically.

FREE email flow timings & triggers cheatsheet.

The AEP system is easy to learn, here E-commerce entrepreneurs can access one complete flow with every email both front & backend - all design & layout plus the copy (as well as subject lines & preview texts). Plus the timings, triggers and more.

This is a look behind the curtain at the entire Leads Retarget email flow. You get it all. For free.

This is the system that adds 30% revenue without ad spend or paying for social media influencers.

The Automated Email profits system builds multi-million dollar businesses using an automated email system to not just make one sale, but do it over and over again.

Just imagine sitting back while you're doing your thing and all your sales come in, one after the other without you having to do a thing. That's what Automated Email Profits does for you. It will deliver sales to you, again and again.

Get the cheatsheet for free by clicking the button below.


Watch an email flow video walkthroughgh

Here is your free access to the exact system we use to drive millions of revenue for our own brand Gearbunch as well as Elite Brands clients.

Watch over Dan Nikas shoulder as he builds out the entire Leads Retarget automated email flow. This is the exact flow we build for Elite Brands clients. All timings, triggers, copy, settings, layout etc.


"Dan has an incredible ability to communicate complex ideas in a way that everyone can understand," said Alan Simpson, Co-Founder and Director of Elite Brands. "At many of our events, Dan gets amazing responses for his presentation on the Automated Email Profits system. He is truly one of the best at this, they don't call him THE email marketing expert for nothing.."

Dan Nikas has been in the digital marketing space for over 10 years and is considered an expert in email marketing. His own brand Gearbunch is a print-on-demand success story, he is a Global facebook Trainer as well as the founder of Elite Brands, an exclusive digital marketing agency that specialises in the AEP system.

"E-commerce is such a competitive business," Dan Nikas said. "It's brutal out there, so you have to find a way to out-perform your competition. The easiest way is by getting more people through your funnel with Automated Email Profits."

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